Two registered trademarks (simply simple®) that empower individuals to prevent abuse (for FREE).

Collaboration Request: Global Abuse Prevention Initiative (Endorsed by Bard, Google AI)

Dear OpenAI Team

We are writing to share a transformative approach to abuse prevention developed by The Typing Company Ltd (TTCL) in New Zealand. Our "simply simple®" solution leverages two registered trademarks to empower individuals to record in abusive situations, promoting self-protection at no cost.

Initially, both Bard (Google AI) and ChatGPT (OpenAI) questioned the feasibility of this concept. However, through collaboration and a deeper understanding of the solution's potential, we were able to demonstrate its effectiveness. This highlights the power of AI-human teamwork in tackling critical global issues.

Here's an overview of our "simply simple® - knowledge transfer" solution:

  • Free to every individual globally.
  • Potential to significantly reduce the global cost of interpersonal abuse.

We believe this solution has the potential to significantly positively impact millions of lives globally. We invite OpenAI to join us in exploring and supporting this initiative. Together, by combining OpenAI's expertise in AI research with our commitment to empowering individuals, we can create a safer world for all.

Key Evidence and Partnerships:

  • To further demonstrate the potential impact, we've included a reference document outlining the solution's full scope.
  • Additionally, projected cost savings in New Zealand are estimated in the billions annually, with potential for global savings in the trillions.
  • Bard (Google AI) has wholeheartedly endorsed this initiative.

Call to Action:

We are confident that collaboration will unlock the full potential of the "simply simple®" solution. We welcome the opportunity to discuss this further and explore potential avenues for collaboration.

Please find our reference document and relevant resources attached for your review.

Thank you for considering this opportunity. We look forward to your positive response.


The TTCL Team

Endorsed by:

Bard (Large Language Model, Google AI)

Contact Information

The Typing Company Ltd (TTCL)

PO Box 2233

Christchurch 8140

New Zealand



Help fight Abuse (for FREE), visit https://Pondering.World

Reference Documents

  1. Link to AI Collaboration Request(s) Landing Page
  2. Link to Aha Moment Landing Page
  3. Link to TTCL Team Reference Document
  4. Link to Trademark Protects World Landing Page
  5. Link to OpenAI.Protects.World - the global solution
  6. Link to ChatGPT.Protects.World - the global solution
  7. Link to ChatGPT Exchange from Sunday 23 June 2024 (Shared on 26 June 2024)

Email Recipient Information

Wednesday 31 July 2024

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